Teacher for a Day was created after speaking to numerous teachers “freaking out” about doing supply teaching. Some were new graduates, others were experienced teachers returning from maternity leave or looking for a change. This was one thing I felt fairly confident doing, so I set out to create the ULTIMATE resource that meets ALL our needs in one, beautifully designed book.

I wanted to take away the stress and nerves that come with the job and help teachers feel confident and excited to take on the challenges of Supply, Relief and Substitute teaching.

This book was designed to support teachers in the classroom, giving you everything you need in just ONE handy resource. This format is the first of its kind and has been getting rave reviews since the Primary Edition was release in late January, 2017.

The High School Edition was created after many requests as there is VERY limited resources for High School Supply Teachers and soon after, following more requests, I wrote the Early Childhood Edition, which has been popular with EC Educators and parents alike.

Last year I collaborated with a colleague to write a Teacher for Early Years edition which is targeted at teachers, tutors, parents and carers of students in K-2.

Have a quick flick through the Primary School Edition of Teacher for a Day to see what all the buzz is about.

A full colour resource book packed with advice, strategies and lessons to help you kill it as a relief, supply or substitute teacher.

This is the ONLY supply resource you will need as it covers ALL grades. Plus it has the added bonus of needing NO photocopying and little to no preparation making it easy to implement activities on a whim, a necessary skill with supply.


About Kelly Quilter


I am a teacher, author, mother to a 9 year old boy and 7 and 4 year old girls and I am a wife to my amazingly supportive husband, Luke. I have massive FOMO (fear of missing out), I’m passionate about education, travelling, love weird and fancy food, I am a hater of hot drinks, a lover of lollies and my second language is sarcasm.

I have worked with children for over 18 years in both Childcare and School settings. My journey to become a teacher has been a bumpy one, and I know I should say I wouldn’t change it, but there are some parts I definitely would! Click here to read the goss.

I now choose to do Supply Teaching for the work/life balance. This new venture, creating Teacher for a Day, has kind of thrown that theory out the door, but I have loved every moment of it so far. Writing my books and creating TFAD has been a wonderful way to give back, by helping fellow Supply Teachers enter the classroom feeling more confident and prepared to face the many situations that casual teaching can throw at us.

The response from my customers has been so overwhelming and it makes all the hard work and late nights worth it. I only hope I can get my book into the hands of more Supply Teachers to rid the anxiety that plagues people in this job. I want to help you be prepared for whether you have 5 minutes to fill or a whole day to plan, whether you are filling in as the Music teacher or for a subject way out of your depth. This stuff really happens and the best way to be on your game is to have some tricks up your sleeve and be prepared.

Thanks for your support!