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What edition should I purchase?

  • Childcare Educators would benefit from the Early Childhood Edition.

  • Classroom teachers and Tutors teaching from K-2 would benefit from the Early Years Edition.

  • Primary School/Elementary School or Casual Relief. Supply/Substitute Teachers would benefit from the Primary Edition.

  • High School Casual Relief/Supply/Substitute Teachers would benefit from the High School Edition.

Should I get the eBook or the hard copy?

  • Depends on how you like to work. The ebook is great for those who prefer to use a device or laptop.

  • However, many people purchase the ebook and then ask to upgrade to the hard copy as they find it quicker to reference the pages you need in a physical copy. 

You can print out the ebook, however if you are wanting it in full colour and don’t have your own high quality printer then it is cheaper to purchase the hard copy than to get it printed and bound at a printing shop. Plus the quality of the book is far superior and will last much longer than a printed and bound version which easily loses pages with long term wear and tear.

Is it worth getting the package option?

  • The package gives you a copy that is best displayed on the smart board. Whilst the books were designed to not need tech, if you have it, it can save so much time and effort copying activities on the board as this option will includes activities that are best displayed on the smart board. This includes art examples, questions on one page and answers on the next, picture writing prompts etc.

  • Is it necessary? No.

  • Does it make your life even easier? Absolutely!

How many pages are there?

  • Early Childhood Edition is 219 pages.
  • Early Years Edition is 280 pages.
  • Primary School Edition is 161 pages.
  • High School Edition is 137 pages.
  • Brain Teaser Edition is 98 pages.
  • Home Edition Edition is 52 pages.
  • Picture Book Edition is 33 pages.